I started using contrasting sheet colors for my vision impaired clients. I had one who would scrape back the fitted sheet and be laying on my table warmer. When I started contrasting the sheets they quit having difficulty getting between the sheets. I never thought about it being helpful for me, but it is now that I think about it. Yay!

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Ahh! That's a really good point! I never thought about how it helps the clients!! Woo hoo, win win!

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Actually, wait, yes I did think of the clients, cuz I always say "get under the blie sheet but stay ontop of the orange sheet" BUT I didn't think if how that helps anyone with a visual impairment, or how its dark in the room for them, too, so obviously it's hard for them to easily see the different layers when they are naked and rushing before I walk back in, LOL!

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