Quiet quit the physical effort part
...a tip for already practicing Barefoot Massage Therapists
For any Barefoot Massage Therapists reading this:
“Strength that has effort in it is not what you need; you need the strength that is the result of ease.” -Dr. Ida Rolf
Your sensitivity to the changes occurring in your client's tissue can be hindered by any unnecessary exertion in your body.
The softer your point of contact at its origin of support (in our case, the bars) the more receptive your soles will be.
Being that westernized Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage body mechanics start from the bars and work down (as opposed to when you are standing on the floor, where body mechanics usually begin at your feet!) tension in your body affects both your own as well as your client's responsiveness to their tension underfoot.
The action of "death gripping" your bars and adding so much extra flair in your own body positioning like I see happening so often from beginners, but also in videos and pictures online “out there” …that effort decreases what you feel. It also could be lifting pressure off the client.
Why do you think we love the strap so much?!? It should be decreasing your need to grip and force pressure somewhere. The need to "death grip" your bars decreases with the extra level of support from our strap, and that will translate into your feet.
Just sink.
Many LMTs say they learned barefoot massage because using their hands was too hard, but then they continue to find ways to work harder even through their feet.
Stop that! Find effortlessness. Just give weight and wait.
Our instructors work hard in class to help you learn to work effortlessly... Because we've been there, done that, and realized that less is more. Come join one of our classes and reboot your approach to how (much less) you work.
Also: if you ARE already practicing Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage out there: make it a goal to get into our Intermediate class, if not also our FasciAshi Advanced class.
Our approach to double footed Myofascial Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage strokes doesn't need to mean double the strength. In our Advanced class we figure out ways to go give deeper pressure with one or two feet in the most effortless way, while still being in control of the work. LMTs can read more about this CE class in the link below.
That's it for now. Woo lucky you, we got 2 posts in a week! I’m on a role!
This is so deep. Both poetically and technically. And yet that doesn’t mean we need to work harder to get deeper. And this is such a pervasive notion in our culture, ‘we aren’t working if it isn’t hard.’ And I see my students light up at the potential then go on to make barefoot massage hard again.
Here’s to making massage effortless again. 🍻
"You make this look so easy" is something I and all the other CBM instructors hear often in the massage continuing education classes we teach: that look of ease is not just because we have had so many years practicing the work, but its also because, I know in my case anyways, I do what is most effective in the moment without any extra thrown in. Enough is happening anyways.